Our Patented Keychains For Self Defense
My name is Robert Moran, and I’m the creator of the Patented Sharp Shooter Keychain. It is like 3 devices in one tiny keychain. Check out our hand made para cord products.
My name is Robert Moran, and I’m the creator of the Patented Sharp Shooter Keychain. It is like 3 devices in one tiny keychain. Check out our hand made para cord products.
This video tape series, featured in the June 2002 “Buyer’s Guide” and May 2003 “Essential Gear” sections of Black Belt Magazine, is based on Master Moran’s unique method of teaching pressure point fighting techniques.
Bushido Productions, Inc. offers a comprehensive and growing line of pressure point self defense videos, books, equipment, and novelty items.
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— @KarateBelmont (@KarateBelmont) December 7, 2021
In stock
Makes a great stocking stuffer.
Super Sharp Shooter EDC Survival Keychain is a great gift idea. Includes the sharpshooter instruction DVD.
Available In Black Paracord only. The Super Sharp Shooter is our top of the line keychain.